Calli the Low Calorie Ice Cream !

Guess what Ice Cream that you can eat without feeling guilty about the calories ? 🍨
The answer is : Calli Ice Cream !

Calli Ice Cream is a delicious low calorie, low fat and low sugar ice cream that tastes just as sinful, but guilt-free ! 
“CALLI” is actually short for low-calorie. Their ice creams are not only low in calories but also low in fat and low in sugar as well ! That’s why they’ve included a double ‘L’ in their name.

There are 4 flavours available. 
1) Choc-a-Lot
2) Earl Grey Teh
3) Durian Durian
4) Caramel by the Sea
I choose the Durian Durian flavour simply because I love durian 💛

So the good news is that you guys can use the code “joilynneatcalli” to get 10% discount at the link below ! [only valid until 26 May]

You can also get them at any Village Grocers and BIG outlets too.



Instagram: @joilynn__
Facebook: Joi Lynn
Twitter: @joilynn__

