CU Convenience Store, Korea

CU or CU Later or CVS for You
CU is the industry leading 24/7 convenience store in Korea.
CU’s 8,000+ franchise stores are with you anywhere throughout the country and bring freshness everyday through a fresh and interesting assortment. Find all your needs and wants in CU.

Fresh & Refresh, CU
Refresh your daily life with our freshness.
CU is always with you as you start off the day, take a break in between, and refresh for the next day.

Varieties of food in convenience stores in Korea are just no joke.

우유 Milks and Milks

바나나 우유 Banana Milk 딸기 우유 Strawberry Milk 초콜릿 우유 Chocolate Milk

They even have a section for stuffs that are on offer or clearance. 

냉동 식품, 아이스크림 Frozen Food and Ice Creams

뜨거운 음식과 음료 절 Hot Food and Drinks Section

라면 Ramyeon / Instant Noodles
Yes ! This is the bomb of a convenient store in Korea. So much of varieties !

스낵을 Snaks

빵 Bread and Pastries
Their bread and pastries here in Korea is always soft and that the amazing part of it !
I can just buy their bread and left it at home for 2 days, sometimes even forgetting to seal up the opening after taking a few pieces out. Their bread still remain soft. Like what how and what ingredients do they use here to make their pastries la ? LOL.

비상 매일 요구 Emergency Daily Needs

빼빼로 Pepero

소주 Soju
I will admit that I prefer the convenience store in Korea better than Malaysia.
They have so much of varieties here.
Partly and mainly because of their Banana Milk, Ramyeon and Bread. LOL.


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