Chee Loong Birthday 2020

A back dated scheduled post.

So it was Chee Loong's birthday during the MCO. I just ordered some food and a cake to be send over by Grab 😅 as I can't be there physically in person. Cause of the whole Covid-19 pandemic, my playing for his this year's 2020 birthday kindda all went down the drain. 
With the MCO in Malaysia that kept extending every 2 weeks, nothing could be confirm and I can't order a customised cake because I just can't come up with a confirm date to celebrate it 😅 Then we have social distancing and all the SOP have to be followed. Not like I was planning a super big do. It course is just a small one like last year with me, him and the family. However this year, eating out at restaurants / cafes and going on short trips are all cancelled for the better for each and everyone's safety and life.

So, I told myself that I will definitely make up to it next year even though he kept saying it was all good and no need to be so 'kua cheong' and things like that.
More like whatever I planned this year will be push to next year lah. Like the surprise birthday theme, cake, restaurant. I actually planned to like eat a HaiDiLao or another restaurant at Pavilion KL. However since it's a year time, I might change my mind on the theme. Will see how ! Heheh. But So die die also will carry out his birthday plan next year and hopefully, fingers cross that no weird things will pop out and ruined it. 

Anyway this year's these are his birthday food LOL.
Beef Bulgogi set for his brunch as a soon as he woke up at 12pm. Got seaweed soup too ! (Korean style)
And since he loves mango so much, so I went look for a mango cake. This mango cheese cake is also so pretty too ! That's how I just literally placed the order 😂 Taste wise, I have not personally taste it before but his whole family said it was good. So thumbs up ! 👍🏻

🥭🧀🎂 : @purplemonkeycakes

Happy Birthday Baby ❤️
Hope you at least had a mini great one at home. Wish you all the happiness and good health in life.
Grateful to have you in my life too. Love you and I hope to see you soon 🥺

Instagram: @joilynn__
Facebook: Joi Lynn
Twitter: @joilynn__
