MMI Mental Health 2.0: Cuts + Bruises Event

I want to 'X' out ANXIETY and DEPRESSION. 
What about you?

Anxiety as in always considering myself not good enough in whatever I do. Cause no matter what I do, there is sure some lacking points that will always be looked at. Positive stuffs are less likely to be recognised compared to negative stuffs. It's not something that can go off overnight. The loneliness and lostness where there was no one to turn to as the closest ones to you does not see those side of it and always thinks and tell you that you are fine and you will be fine. Sometimes the people with the biggest smile and brightest personality are the ones that are hurting the most. Thankfully there are still these thoughtful souls and helping hands that came to pull me out of dark hole. 

@mmi_social wants to shed light on the increasing rates of suicide and self-harm. Join MMI Mental Health 2.0: Cuts + Bruises Event on the 23rd February 2019 at Taylor’s University Lakeside campus to find out how you can help individuals fight mental health issues. 

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