三只松鼠 Three Squirrels Snacks 🐿

Snacks from Tmall arrived to munch for Chinese New Year ! 🐿
I look like the squirrels right ? Heheh

三只松鼠 Three Squirrels Snacks

If you watch china dramas or variety shows. I am sure you have seen these Three Squirrels Snacks before.

🐿 三只松鼠_芒果干 116gx3 [Dried Mango]
🐿 三只松鼠_黄桃干 106gx2 [Dried Peach]
🐿 三只松鼠_红杏干 106g [Dried Apricot]
🐿 三只松鼠_纸皮核桃 210g [Walnut]
🐿 三只松鼠_红宝石蔓越莓干 108g [Cranberries]
🐿 三只松鼠_美式薯条 75gx3 [Fries] 
🐿 三只松鼠_阳光什锦脆 70gx3 [Mixed Chips] 

You can get them from 

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Facebook: Joi Lynn
Twitter: @joilynn__
Blog: joilynnlum.blogspot.com
Email: joilynn96jl@gmail.com
