워너원 Wanna Be Loved - Wanna One 1st Fan Meeting in Kuala Lumpur

Wanna Be Loved
Wanna One 1st Fan Meeting in Kuala Lumpur


Watching you guys grow since the very first episode of pd101s2 until now, you guys have grew so much. I feel so emotional and heartache somehow ㅠ words can’t describe how I feel. Seeing you guys having your dreams come true, going on awards show, receiving awards, having fan meeting and concerts not only in Korea but also internationaly. All the hard work, efford, practices, stress, living up to the expectation, sleepless nights had all been paid off ㅠㅠ 엄마 느낌이도 왔어요 ㅋㅠ 진짜 고생 많이 했어. You guys did so well and are still doing very well everyday. 2017 was a bittersweet year. May the whole of 2018 be an amazing and memorable year for all of the 11 of you. Please do take care of your healths too.

Videos at my instagram
👉🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/BeMZoLCDfxY/?taken-by=joilynn__
👉🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/BeNKlhijVO0/?taken-by=joilynn__
👆🏻 👆🏻 👆🏻

Daehwi's birthday is round the corner 💛
Happy Birthday PD101S2 Center !
Little Daehwi, you are growing up fast.


I have like so much to say about last night until I am so lost of words right now. I feel so upset, embarrassed and frustrated at the same time. Really hope that all Wannables that attended the fan meeting last night are alright, safe and recovering. Even though I was not at the rock zone, but observing the whole situation from up there, the commotion was really bad. There are always limit and lesson learned to everything. I really hope that the same situation won’t happen again for any upcoming fan meetings and concerts. Rock zone, free standing or even those free seating zones, tickets should not be oversell to the maximum quantity. 1700-2000 people for rock zone in Stadium Negara is just not reasonable at all. Venue is also way too small to contain such a large crowd, and that’s just one side of the rock zone area. I understand that there are lots of Wannables that want to attend this fan meeting is partly because it’s like the first and the last chance to see Wanna One especially for Malaysian and international fans before 2019 comes. The popularity of Wanna One is really no joke. If the event can’t be held at a bigger stadium, just don’t oversell the quantity of tickets. The crowd last night was way too big for Stadium Negara as we do not only have Malaysian Wannables but also International Wannables that flew over from other countries. I have been to so many fan meetings and concerts in Malaysia but last night was my very first time experiencing this scenario. Please ! SAFETY COMES FIRST.
Anyway, once again, thank you Wanna One, YMC, Wannables, paramedic team, security team, police team, organizer team, staffs, crews and etc... even though it took like 1 hour++ for things to settle down, thank you for cooperating until the very end so that the show could go on last night. Not really a pleasant memory but I hope that everyone will look and remember the good memories that Wanna One tried their very best to give to Wannables last night.

워너원 진짜 진심으로 너무 죄송합니다 감사합니다 그리고 사랑합니다 ㅠㅠ 많이 걱정해서 도 하지마. 우리 모두 다 괜찮아. 정말 고생했어요. 수고하셨습니다.

Thank you for reading this whole long post until here 😅🙏🏻
I know that I usually don't write much. But this time I cannot take it anymore and I really hope that this kind of situation will not happen again. I am so sad and worried that I really wanted to pour out somewhere.
By looking at the pictures below you can roughly see the amount of people in the rock zone and thats just the left side.

Really hope that Wanna One are fine too. Sorry for worrying you guys.
많이 걱정해서 도 하지마. 우리 모두 다 괜찮아.
And hope that this doesn't become such a bad impression to them as I seriously don't know where to put my face now 🤦🏻‍♀️
On behalf of all of the Wannabes that were in the fan meeting, I apologies again 🙇🏻‍♀️
Hope Wanna One will come back to Malaysia again for there first and also their last concert. 
They said they will come back again and I am sure they will keep to their words.
See you guys again soon 🤗


Instagram: @joilynn__
Facebook: Joi Lynn
Twitter: @joilynn__
Blog: joilynnlum.blogspot.com
Email: joilynn96jl@gmail.com
