The HAZE Runner - Happy Malaysia Day 2015 !

Happy Malaysia Day !

Truthfully, I wish for PEACE for Malaysia this year.
Okay, if you actually watch news and read newspaper or google you will know what's going on with Malaysia this year 2015, all the #bersih4.0 and now #redshirt rally. So I don't think I am going to blog about it as they are all sensitive issues.

okay nowwww ..
NOW, we have Happy HAZE Day !
Haze had been going on for like a month already. I mean this is not something new because Malaysia faces this problem like every year around this timing.

Malaysia has 4 seasons too !
Who say Malaysia only have 2 season, rain and shine ?
There are also another 4 additional seasons in Malaysia faces every year too.
Monsoon Season, Dengue Season, Durian Season, Haze Season.
- Photo above credits to facebook

Monsoon Season
Talking about flood. This is Malaysia flood .___.
Kids can still enjoy playing with the water and go swimming somemore ! My skin would had died if I got to do this.
- Image credits to this blog

Japan also recently faced flood and their flood water is so damn clean. Like swimming pool ! So much of a difference.
- Images credits to this report & also that weibo acc

Dengue Season
Still the same goes to flood season. Keep rubbishes clean + no storage of open air water.
Then dengue will be cut down. Stay away from places that breed mosquitoes. Or have 'gotong-royong' to clean up the compound.
- Image credits to this website

Durian Season
This is not a problem for me..
I love durians ! The yummy and creamy durians !!


Haze Season
This is what we are currently facing now. Smoky + smelly + difficulties in seeing and breathing.

Haze is 150API and above now. Everyone in Malaysia, Singapore, and all the neighbouring country that is facing this problem please take care ! Especially asthmatic people out there.

I have no idea why schools get off but colleges and work places don't.
Heard that the reason was because there are aircond. Okay la. I agree that there are aircond compared to school especially kebangsaan schools are more likely open hair cause we live with window panels open or if not the class will be hot like crazy. But for colleges we do travel to college too. That stepping out of house ! Okay la, if talking about work, then no one will be going to work too.
But hey ! Health comes first okay. And what I am saying this is because I have been sick for 2 weeks and ain't curing but getting worst. Eyes are like swollen and flu is really bad. Not like I can self declare holiday because there are tones of assignments to be handed in. #WhyYouNoGiveOff ? T_T

The HAZE Runner !
Yes Haze runner and not Maze runner. LOL.
Run away from the haze and stay at in door. Don't go out so much especially when the API is above 150.

JinnyboyTV video on Haze last year !
Plain stupid but rediculously funny. LOL.

Instagram: @joilynn__
Facebook: Joi Lynn
Twitter: @joilynn__
