Visit to Kiwanis Job Training Center 2015

A visit to the Kiwanis Job Training Center last month on the 27 February 2015..
It's a home for down syndrome. 

Went to KFC to buy lunch for the home.
Ate some Mashed Potatoes and Cheesy Potato Wedges there while waiting for the staffs to pack.
My favorite Mashed Potatoes and Cheesy Potato Wedges ! I just love potatoes ^^

Tadaa ! 25 Boxes of Snack Plates.

As it was still Chinese New Year, bought a box of Kam.
and also Ang Pows.

They actually do, do some work to pass their time.
Packing little little items like nails, screws, straws and etc .. 
Straws for Vintage Drinks.

Those that have problems with counting, this aid will help them.

Sorry, to keep abit of their privacy. I blurred out their faces.

Packing .. 
Sealing ..

Enjoy the food !

I came to realize that ..
All of these behind the scene is all of their hard work. 
We should actually really appreciate all these little little things like that as they are done by hands and not machines.

Instagram: @joilynn__
Facebook: Joi Lynn
Twitter: @joilynn__
